Commercial and Residencial Spot Removal
Commercial and Residencial Spot Removal

Welcome to the Odour Removal Introduction section of our website. Red Door Real Estate specializes in Odour Removal of businesses and homes. If you are a decision maker at a business or a home owner that needs their property cleaned Red Door Real Estate would be glad to service you. Odour removal helps reduce health risk in the environment. Often odours are a warning sign that sanitization is needed.

Mold and mildew thrive in humid areas and could be causing a musty smell throughout your office. When you detect a musty smell, the first thing you have to do is look for growing mold in humid, dark, and hidden spaces. Keep in mind that mold can grow inside ducts and other areas of your office’s or home HVAC system and general residential and commercial environments.

Why does my office or home smell so bad? Foul smells in a workplace are often caused by bacteria that has been left to breed through either inadequate or infrequent office cleaning. To combat office odours make sure you’re cleaning often, using the best cleaning methods, and using odor eliminating products when appropriate. We used advance cleaning processes, tools, cleaning solutions, education and training to remove the source of the odours.


We offer a botanical cleaning solution for professionals in the restoration industry. We have many products designed to suit almost any cleaning or disinfecting need. Our products offer all the performance you expect with traditional synthetic cleaners but without the health warnings or chemical baggage. This reduces legal liability and saves time and labor. Benefect products do not need to be rinsed from surfaces after application, and do not require personal protective equipment for application.

We are your one stop shop for all of your commercial and residential cleaning service needs. We use the very best tools, cleaning agents, cleaning process and professional applications of the tools, cleaning process and cleaning agents. When you hire Red Door Real Estate our prices are upfront with no hidden fees. We provide a none rushed service. We take our time to ensure your home is protected, cleaned and left in a better condition than how we found it.

During the cleaning process we keep the client informed and updated in regards to the work that is being conducted on their home or place of business. When the work has been completed a review with the client is done to ensure the client is happy with the results. Honesty, integrity and trust are key ingredient to providing a professional and long-lasting business relationship with our clients. We look forward to earning your business today. We don’t cut corners we clean them.

What's ozone?
Ozone is one of nature’s most powerful oxidants. Ozone exists in the atmosphere to protect human beings from the sunlight. That fresh, clean smell after a thunderstorm? That’s ozone too. Ozone exists in the ozone layer region of the atmosphere to protect people from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. We also sense its fresh and clean smell after thunderstorms. Now we have Ozone Generators to move this nature’s powerful sterilizer into your home. Ozone (O3) contains three atoms of oxygen. The third oxygen atom makes ozone extremely reactive, which readily attaches itself to other molecules. When odors, bacteria or viruses meet ozone, oxidation reactions occur and both parties are destroyed. Ozone essentially reverts back to oxygen. That’s why it’s environment friendly.
How does ozone help you?
Ozone can help remove bad smells and replace them with a neutral smell. Ozone (O₃) contains three atoms of oxygen instead of the O₂ you breathe. The third oxygen atom makes ozone extremely reactive and attaches itself to other molecules. When pollutants meet ozone, oxidation occurs and both parties are destroyed, while the O₃ essentially reverts back to O₂ you can breathe.
How Long Does Ozone Last?
As soon as ozone is formed in the generator and dispersed in a room, some of it reverts back into oxygen. Ozone itself has a half-life, which means that “residual” ozone created (extra ozone) will return to oxygen usually within 30 minutes, in amounts equal to half its level. What this means is that after each subsequent 30-minute period there mould be half as much residual ozone left at the end of the period as was present at the beginning of the period. In practice the half-life is usually less than 30 minutes due to temperature, dust, and other contaminants in the air. Therefore, ozone, while very powerful, doesn’t last long. It does its job and then disappears.
Applicable Areas?
Any rooms in the house, Smoking Areas, Vehicles & other vessels, Hotels & Airbnb, Garages & basements, Gyms, Restaurants, Schools & offices and much more
What are the primary uses for Ozone?
Ozone treatment is primarily used for odor removal, airborne, viruses, bacteria and surface contaminant destruction. Virtually any odor or contaminant can be completely eradicated from any indoor space in one Ozone treatment.
How does Ozone work?
Our equipment’s unique, Ozone process combines the latest in airborne and surface contamination destruction technology. High-intensity technology eradicates airborne and surface organic molecules and microorganisms from indoor spaces including pathogens, viruses and bacteria.
Should I try to clean the affected area with chemicals before I call Red Door Real Estate?
No. If possible call us before you attempt to clean up any affected area with chemicals. Red Door Real Estate technicians are experts at odour remediation. We can help you to save money and achieve the best results if you include us in the process from the beginning.
Can Ozone be operated with people or pets in the treatment area?
No. Be prepared to make arrangements for any people, plants or pets to vacate the premises for the amount of time it will take to complete your treatment.
Can the Ozone treat odours inside automobiles?
Yes. Ozone is highly effective and can be easily deployed inside any type of a vehicle.
How large an area will Ozone treat?
A treatment area can be as small as a car or as large as an auditorium.
May I spot treat only the affected areas of my home with Ozone?
No. In order to achieve best results , the entire home or indoor space must be treated. When an odour causing agent is introduced to an indoor space, it is often drawn up by the heating and air conditioning unit and dispersed throughout. The most effective way that the odour causing contaminant is completely eradicated is to treat the entire space.
How long does Ozone treatment take?
Mobi Cleaning Canada can treat most indoor environments within 3-12 hrs. Most vehicles can be treated in one hour. The actual amount of time it will take to treat a specific area depends upon several factors including indoor environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity, odour or contaminant source and severity, floor plan and cubic space.
Does the Ozone treatment process leave an odour?
Initially, yes. The treatment process initially produces a residual smell similar to that of a lightning storm which gradually subsides. Within 72 hours the treated space becomes odour neutral.
Does Red Door Real Estate use any toxic chemicals?
Ozone is a natural occurring substance that occurs in the earth atmosphere. Red Door Real Estate also uses green cleaning solutions for sanitization.
If Ozone is safe and non-toxic, why can't I breathe the Red Door Real Estate vapour during treatment?
The properties which make ozone powerful cleaners and disinfectants also make them dangerous to living tissues. The same chemical properties that allow high concentrations of these oxyradicals to react with organic material outside the body give them the ability to react with similar organic material that make up the body, and can temporarily cause potentially harmful health consequences. When these oxyradicals come in contact with living tissues, like our lungs, they attack and damage cells lining the airways, causing swelling and inflammation resulting in difficulty breathing. Your technician is trained in proper use and safety procedures before, during and after treatment. Rest assured that your health and safety are our top priority. The treatment area will be clearly marked and all doors locked to prevent anyone from entering the premises during a treatment. Once your technician has tested to ensure safe entry and removed the Red Door Real Estate equipment, they will clear the area for people, pets and plants to safely re-enter the space. Ozone has a half-life meaning over time it self neutralizes.
Will Ozone fade upholstery or otherwise harm fabrics?
No. Ozone treatment is compatible with most materials. It will not bleach or harm carpet, upholstery or fabrics when properly operated. Your technician has been properly trained and will notify you if he believes there may be an issue.
Does Ozone guarantee service?
Ozone will remove all odours caused by organic materials. We do not guarantee lasting effects if the customer continues to participate in the activities that caused the odour in the first place. In the unlikely event that the odour in question lingers or reoccurs within 72 hours. If the odour comes back Red Door Real Estate will be glad to come back and do more treatments as a payed service.
Will Ozone remove curry oil and other persistent cooking odours from a home or restaurant?
Yes. Ozone treatment is currently the only process that safely and effectively removes cooking odours from a home or restaurant while sanitizing exposed surfaces. While curry oil is difficult to remove, with pre-treatment and experienced technicians we have excellent results at curry odour removal.
We had an animal die in our home. Will Ozone remove the smell?
Any organic smell can be treated with Ozone. The original cause of the odour must be removed before treatment.
Can Red Door Real Estate get rid of pet odours or urine?
Yes. A Red Door Real Estate treatment will eradicate animal odours including cat and dog urine and skunk odour. Pre-treatment of the affected areas is required and may incur additional cost.
Can Red Door Real Estate get rid of cigarette smoke that has permeated furniture, walls, ceilings, carpet and clothing?
Yes. A Red Door Real Estate treatment is very effective at removing the smell of cigarette smoke in any indoor space. It is highly recommended that a person who has quit smoking has their living space and car treated to discourage them from starting back up again. If a person begins to smoke in the treated areas again, an additional treatment will be required as a paid service.
Is Red Door Real Estate treatment helpful to people with Asthma and allergies?
Yes. Red Door Real Estate eradicates many allergens such as pollen, mold, bacteria and other known allergens at their source.
Can Red Door Real Estate remove odours from duct work?
Yes. While Red Door Real Estate eradicates pollen, mold, bacteria and viruses which will stop odours from being dispersed throughout your home through the heating and air conditioning unit. It may still be recommended that you have your air ducts cleaned by a professional in conjunction with your Red Door Real Estate treatment.
Can Ozone be used to sanitize a home, school or office after a biological incident or contagious illness outbreak?
Yes. Ozone is proven effective at eradication of bacteria and viruses. Ozone technology is proven to be effective against a wide range of environmentally associated pathogens.
My clothing and furniture smell like smoke after a fire in my home. Can a Red Door Real Estate treatment remove the smells from my clothing and furniture?
Yes. Red Door Real Estate treatment is perfect for content restoration. If your clothing or cloth furniture has lingering odours we can usually remove them in one treatment.
Does Red Door Real Estate use or work with other specialists to achieve desired results?
Yes. We work with remediation specialists including, hazardous material clean-up teams, carpet cleaners, plumbers, contractors, and professional cleaning crews to help you get things back to normal after an accident, fire, crime or natural disaster.
Does Red Door Real Estate remove fuel spill odours?
Yes. Ozone is effective at removing toxic fumes associated with indoor fuel spills. The organic compounds in fuel oils are broken down to non-volatile compounds during a Red Door Real Estate treatment. Any porous materials, (including concrete) may have to be pre-treated to facilitate breakdown of the compounds which may incur an additional cost.
Can I rent/lease the equipment for home or individual use?
No. The unit is operated by trained technicians.
Can you remove cooking odors from a home?
Yes, Red Door Real Estate treatment process will remove cooking odors from a home or restaurant. A particular problem area stems from odors from cooking curry dishes. Curry oil is usually very difficult to remove but, with a special pre-treatment process specifically tailored to curry odors, experienced Red Door Real Estate service technicians have excellent results in removing this odor as well.
Can the Red Door Real Estate system kill mold?
A: After the existing mold has been physically removed by a certified mold technician, Red Door Real Estate can eradicate any remaining particles in the air and on surrounding surfaces.
Can Red Door Real Estate get rid of animal odors?
Yes, Red Door Real Estate treatment eradicates most animal odors including cat urine and skunk odor. Pre-treatment of the affected areas to remove the source of the odors may be required to ensure complete elimination of the offending odor.
How long does it take for a Red Door Real Estate service technician to treat an area?
Red Door Real Estate can treat most indoor environments in less than a day. depending upon several factors including indoor environment conditions, odor or contaminant, floor plan and cubic air space (room size). Most vehicles can be easily treated in 2 hours. Red Door Real Estate treatment can reduce deodorization time compared to other technologies and systems.
Do Red Door Real Estate services come with a warranty?
Other odors could be introduced after the Red Door Real Estate treatment or there could be additional non-organic odors underlying the main offending odor. We cannot guarantee odor removal if the customer continues to participate in activities that cause the offending odor. In some cases, the source of the odour has penetrated into the materials of the space resulting in the need of replacement in extreme cases. Additional treatments can be done as a paid service. While there are situations that may be out of our control, we have had a very good success rate removing odours.
How soon after the Red Door Real Estate Treatment can I re-enter the treated area?
Wait at least 4 hours before re-entering the room that has gone through ozonation: It usually takes 30 minutes for the ozone to settle down and turn back into oxygen. The longer you wait, the less likely it is that ozone gases will remain in the space.
Can it take more than one treatment to resolve an issue?
Yes it may take more than one treatment. For example, if the client orders a 2-hour treatment and we recommend deep cleaning, sanitization, 24 hours ozone, deodorization, duct cleaning as a solution to deal with the odours it may take more treatments because the client went against the suggested recommendations. It is highly recommended to do a quality job the first time which will save time and headaches. There is a say junk in and junk out meaning that if you want quality results you need to do quality work. Trying to scrimp, save money and take short cuts may result in callbacks at additional charges. In some extreme circumstances the odour is embedded into the surrounding materials resulting in those materials needing to be replaced to remove the odour.
How do we know if it’s safe to re-enter?
Ozone has a particular smell and may still be present hours after your generator has been disconnected. If the smell still remains, there may not be any harmful odor in the air but it is advised to give your room some breathing space for a day before returning to it.
Is Ozone considered a “Green” treatment and environmentally friendly?
Ozone is an odorless, colorless gas made up of three oxygen molecules (O3) and is a natural part of the environment. It occurs naturally in small (trace) amounts in the upper atmosphere (the stratosphere). Ozone protects life on Earth from the Sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Ozone has a short half-life, so the molecule will decay and revert back into oxygen in a short time period. As per our treatment procedure we allow an air out period to help ensure that we have given ample time for the ozone to dissipate before occupants return to the space. We also use plant based green cleaning solutions for sanitization.

Tough Cooking Odor Removal

Ozone is very effective at removing bad smells and cooking odors from your home. After cleaning up and removing the source of the odor, the ozone generator will produce ozone to seek and destroy any offensive odor molecules.

Pet Urine Feces Odor Removal

First, dogs have a lot of furs, which trap odors and make them difficult to remove. Dogs also shed hair all the time, which can get stuck on carpet and furniture. Additionally, dogs have a lot of bacteria in their mouths that cause odors to build up over time on everything from shoes to pieces of furniture.

Mold and Mildew Removal

Mold and Mildew growth looks gross, smells bad, and can damage your health. You cannot let mold grow in your home! After cleaning up the surface mold, ozone can prevent mold spores from growing or spreading in your home.

Smoke and Fire Odour Removal

While air fresheners can mask the odors temporarily, it’s best to hire a professional odour removal company to get the smoke smell out of your home or business.  The lingering odors are caused by the small particles of ash and nicotine.

Viruses and Bacteria Removal

When pollutants, viruses and bacteria spread in the air, people get sick or develop allergy symptoms. To reduce the risk of illness, it’s vital that one will hire a professional cleaning company to clean up your living space to protect you and your family.

New House Odour Removal

Fresh paint, new flooring, the latest furniture: all things we love seeing in our new home, but all things that can release harmful odors and VOCs. Before moving into your new space, ozone can be applied to reduce these harmful chemicals so you are not breathing them in.








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Commercial and Residencial Spot Removal
Commercial and Residencial Spot Removal
Commercial and Residencial Spot Removal
Commercial and Residencial Spot Removal

Carpet Cleaning Services Introduction

Red Door Real Estate provides carpet cleaning services for commercial and residential. We will consult with the client and offer a free no obligation quote. We will inspect the carpet and answer the customers questions. We will offer solutions to best deodorize, sanitize and removal soils from the carpet. We offer green cleaning solutions.

Spot Removal Cleaning Services Introduction

Red Door Real Estate provides spot cleaning services for commercial and residential. We will consult with the client and offer a free no obligation quote. We will inspect the spot and answer the customers questions. We offer solutions to best deodorize, sanitize and removal the spot from the carpet, mattress and upholstery.

Mattress Cleaning Service Introduction

Red Door Real Estate provides mattress cleaning services for commercial and residential. We will consult with the client and offer a free no obligation quote. We will inspect the mattress and answer the customers questions. We offer solutions to best deodorize, sanitize and removal the soil from the mattress.

Hard Wood Floor Cleaning Services Introduction

Red Door Real Estate provides hard wood floor cleaning services for commercial and residential. We will consult with the client and offer a free no obligation quote. We will inspect the hardwood flooring and answer the customers questions. We will offer solutions to best clean your hard wood floors. We offer green cleaning solutions.

Natural Stone Cleaning Services Introduction

Red Door Real Estate provides natural stone cleaning services for commercial and residential. We will consult with the client and offer a free no obligation quote. We will inspect the natural stone flooring and answer the customers questions. We will offer solutions to best clean your natural stone floors. We offer green cleaning solutions.

Upholstery Cleaning Services Introduction

Red Door Real Estate provides upholstery cleaning services for commercial and residential. We will consult with the client and offer a free no obligation quote. We will inspect the upholstery and answer the customers questions. We will offer solutions to best clean your upholstery. We offer green cleaning solutions. We also offer fine fabric cleaning agents.

Odour Removal Services Introduction

Red Door Real Estate provides odour removal services for commercial and residential. We will consult with the client and offer a free no obligation quote. We will inspect the source of the odour and answer the customers questions. We will offer solutions to best remove the odour. We offer green cleaning solutions.

Fabric Protection Services Introduction

Red Door Real Estate provides fabric protection services for commercial and residential. We will consult with the client and offer a free no obligation quote. We will inspect the items of the home to be protected and answer the customers questions. We will offer solutions to protect your carpets, curtains, tile, upholstery and rugs.

Auto, Boat and RV Detailing Services Introduction

Red Door Real Estate provides auto, rv and boat detailing services for commercial and residential. We will consult with the client and offer a free no obligation quote. We will inspect the auto, rv or boat to be detailed and answer the customers questions. We are mobile and come right to you to offer full service.

Drapery & Blinds Cleaning Services Introduction

Red Door Real Estate provides drapery and blind cleaning services for commercial and residential. We will consult with the client and offer a free no obligation quote. We will inspect the drapery and blinds and answer the customers questions. We will offer solutions to best clean your window coverings. We offer green cleaning solutions.

Area Rug Cleaning Services Introduction

Red Door Real Estate provides area rug cleaning services for commercial and residential. We will consult with the client and offer a free no obligation quote. We will inspect the area rug and answer the customers questions. We will offer solutions to best clean your area rug. We offer green cleaning solutions. We also offer wool safe cleaning solutions to ensure we safely clean your area rug.

Leather Cleaning Services Introduction

Red Door Real Estate provides leather cleaning services for commercial and residential. We will consult with the client and offer a free no obligation quote. We will inspect the leather furniture and answer the customers questions. We will offer solutions to best clean your leather furniture. We offer leather cleaning solutions which will help protect and condition your leather.

Concrete Cleaning Services Introduction

Red Door Real Estate provides concrete cleaning services for commercial and residential. We will consult with the client and offer a free no obligation quote. We will inspect the concrete areas and answer the customers questions. We will offer solutions to best clean your concrete surfaces.

Tile & Grout Cleaning Services Introduction

Red Door Real Estate provides tile and grout cleaning services for commercial and residential. We will consult with the client and offer a free no obligation quote. We will inspect the tile and grout and answer the customers questions. We will offer quality cleaning and sealing services for your tile and grout.

Pet Urine and Feces Treatment Introduction

Red Door Real Estate provides pet urine and feces treatment cleaning services for commercial and residential. We will consult with the client and offer a free no obligation quote. We will inspect the areas of concern and answer the customers questions. We specialize in pet urine treatment.

Floor Stripping and Waxing Service

The Red Door Real Estate unique orbital action commercial grade tool makes it possible to strip wax professionally. Conserve water and avoid the use of harsh chemicals that damage the environment and the health of those that use the space. Our advanced tools driver head is free floating resulting in stress relief knowing that swirl marks and gouges that other traditional machines leave behind will not be an issue with our tools and processes.

Epoxy Cleaning and Buffing Service

Red Door Real Estate provides Epoxy cleaning services for commercial and residential. We will consult with the client and offer a free no obligation quote. We will inspect the areas of concern and answer the customers questions. We specialize in Epoxy cleaning. Epoxy is protected from chemicals, dirt, liquids and other contaminants, however, Epoxy floors need to be cleaned routinely as they lose their original lustre. Our machines can restore any type of Epoxy floor and bring them back to life.

VCT and Vinyl Stripping and Waxing Service

Red Door Real Estate's unique orbital action makes it possible to strip wax with very little water only. Conserve water and avoid the use of harsh chemicals that damage the environment and the health of yours and others. Because the our driver head is free floating, live stress free without ever worrying about swirl marks and gouges that other traditional machines leave behind. Our unique design will not spit, fling wax and grime onto baseboards, walls and furniture.

Real Results

We take tremendous pride in the results we deliver to our clients. The photos speak for themselves.

Why Choose Us

Business License, Criminal Record Check, Trained Technicians, Professional Tools, Professional Solutions, Better Results and Quality, Transparent Pricing and no Hidden Fees, Health Benefits, Professional Operation of Tools, Red Door Real Estate Difference, Flexible Scheduling, On-Time, Maintenance, Great Competitive Value, Customer Satisfaction Focused, IICRC Trained, Green Cleaning, Reputation, Property Protection, Fast Drying Carpets, 100 Percent Satisfaction Guarantee, Experience, Professional Processes, First-Class Service, Fast Response Time, Free Consultation and Estimates, Competitive Pricing and Dedicated Account Manager

Mobi Cleaning Canada did a very great job cleaning and was very prompt. There was a lot of stains in the home and balcony and Mobi Cleaning Canada got them all out. Well done.

Personal Real Estate Advisor, Rennie Group

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